Monday, April 14, 2014

who am i?

So I haven't been consistent with the whole "blogging" thing probably because I am clueless on how it really works but I figured I would work on it daily but still blog once a week. ANYWAY so this post is just about who I am.

I am a mother of two beautiful little girls, at this time one is 4 years old and one is 6 months. And NO the baby is not sleeping through the night yet :/ I'm sure you know what that's like. I am now a stay at home mom who has a passion for fitness so i decided to join beach body and become a coach. I used to work in Human Resources and still plan to do things such as helping others with their resumes so if you ever need a second eye or some tips you know who to go to ;)

I met my husband in the military and he is currently still in. He was gone a lot for the first few years so I know what it's like physically to be a single mom.

What will I blog about?
Good question because i don't really know.... I figured I blog about how I handle life.... people are always asking me how I do it and I do it through my faith in Jesus Christ. I do have some kind of system going for me :) So I will share time management tips (I'm still learning myself), healthy recipes, fun tips for kids, etc.

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